Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010's First Snow Dance

Well, it's only the first week back at school, but there is a chance of snow. That means we need to pull out the directions for our trusty snow dance. Trent was very excited to do it again this year. For those of you who don't know the procedures for this, check it out.

First you must wear your pajamas backwards.

Trent likes to wear mismatched pjs now, so it is funny to begin with.

Jack wanted to join in, but it is impossible to wear "footy" pajamas backwards.

For the next step, you need a cupful of ice.

Here is Trent holding his ice for you to see.

Next, dump the ice into the toilet.

And finally, flush the ice down the toilet.

Both boys loved watching this step in the process.

The funny part was when Trent ran to the kitchen and looked out the window. He screamed, "Look Mama! The ice is on the ground outside! It worked!" I have no idea how ice was on the ground, but Trent is a true believer that he flushed it out there.

The snow dance worked because we got a dusting, and school was cancelled the next day. There wasn't enough to play in, but I am sure there is more to come...

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