Mark Trusy, Coach
Trent, 4 years old
When Trent's basketball season began, Matt and I began to dread the Thursday night practices and the Saturday morning games. However, as the season progressed we really enjoyed watching the games. Trent slowly improved each week, and at the last game we were so proud of his effort.
I figure that the best way to show Trent's progression is through pictures. Hopefully, this will help you see the transformation that we saw throughout the season. :)
This is Trent at one of the first games taking a shot before the game. He struggled to get the ball to the goal until the end of the season.
Here are Trent and Ryleigh playing defense. I guess they thought they should guard each other instead of the other team.
Trent worked on his flirting while warming the bench - either with Ryleigh or Reese :)
Here is Trent practicing dribbling at a Thursday night practice
This may explain why they were playing defense on each other above. At practice they had to play against members of their own team.
We made the mistake of letting Trent wearing his Daddy's headband to one game. As you can see, he wasn't focused on the game at all! :)
But, he did look pretty cute in the headband!
In this game Trent got the ref's attention and asked him to tie his shoe. It was pretty funny to see the whole game come to a stop for Trent.
At the beginning of the season Trent was always the last down the floor. Here he is with our best ball handler Nathan (and he is not last!!!).
Here is Trent going after the ball. That was his one mission while on the court. You could hear Mark and us yelling "Trent! Get the ball!" at every game. :)
Here Trent got to throw the ball in which scared us at the time, but he did a GREAT job!
Here he is rebounding like a champ!
He got much better at shooting as the season progressed, but he never made a shot in a game. Maybe next year! :)
Here is Trent dribbling down the court. We were biting our nails, but he did a great job and had a blast!
Thanks to Mark for asking Trent to be on the team. It really was fun, and it gave Trent an introduction into sports. We are taking a break right now, but we are sure that we will be busy next year once Trent starts kindergarten.
Finally, here is Trent with his trophy!