Friday, May 7, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week

I have to admit, as a Momma I am a slacker when it comes to things like Teacher Appreciation Week. This year I MADE myself do better. I decided that instead of sending the designated thing each day I would send two things. I would make a poster for each teacher and give gifts cards on Friday inside thank you cards. I made up a paragraph that used names of candy for words. Then I went to Walgreens and bought all of the necessary candy. I have to say that the actual cutting and taping took SO LONG. I made two posters each day for different teachers. We took Trent's teachers' posters on Wednesday. We took Jack's teachers' posters on Thursday. On Friday, I took a poster to the Toddler Room teachers and to the directors of the daycare. Here are pictures of the posters!

I changed up the wording for each of them to make them fit the child.

Trent was VERY proud of his posters.

Another funny sidenote - Trent and I made homemade cards to go with the giftcards. I printed out the clipart that Trent chose. Then I let him put his teacher's name and sign the card. After we were done, I went to write a little message in each card. Come to find out, Trent wrote the inside of one of the cards upside down. At least the teacher knew it was from him, right? :)

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