Thursday, March 19, 2009

"That's not a cowbell!" and Jack's Tubes

I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what I thought was funny yesterday that I wanted to blog about. I literally went over conversations with Trent in my mind, and I thought about everything that happened. Then today while we were waiting on Jack to get his tubes, I reviewed the pictures on my camera and BAM! There was a picture that told me what I had trying so hard to remember!

A couple of days ago while Trent was playing in Matt's toybox (yes, literally his toybox full of Star Wars figures, Voltron, Lincoln Logs, etc.) and found a mini cowbell. He has been running around the house ringing it for a couple of days now. Well, yesterday I told Trent to ring that cowbell! He corrected me quickly. "This is not a cowbell, Mommy! This is a puppy bell. See the puppy print on it. Cows have little toes. This is NOT a cowbell!" I guess that he told me, didn't he?

Today Jack went to the hospital to get tubes. He couldn't eat after midnight, so we were lucky because he woke up at 11:15 hungry. I gave him a bottle, and put him back down. Then Matt and I were up at 5AM and ready. I woke Jack up, and we headed to the hospital. David and Nicole were already there with little Caroline.

Don't they look cute in their hospital gowns?

We waited a little while to get called back (not too long). Once in the back, We had to dress Jack in a hospital gown.

Jack was weighed. He weighed 22.8 pounds. He had his temperature and blood pressure taken. he handled everything in stride except the blood pressure.

He did not like that cuff getting so tight. Then we spoke to the nurse and anesthesiologist.

Then they called us to go to the "Bunny Tunnel." This was pretty cool. You see a 6 foot tall bunny and walk into a tunnel of toys. Jack got to pick a toy, and he got some rubber duckies. Then we gave him hugs and kisses, and he was off to surgery.

Literally, within minutes they were calling us back to recovery. He was very fussy which was expected.

We gave him a bottle and he calmed down. Then I rocked him to sleep. The nurse came in to give us the prescriptions and directions sheet, and then we were on our way! We arrived at the hospital at 6:25 or so, and we were on the way home before 8:30. To quote Nicole, "They are like a well oiled machine!"

Now we need to head to the pharmacy to fill the prescription.

And the bulldogs play today! Go Dogs!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! That picture of Jack and Caroline is absolutely TOO cute! Won't it be funny to show them when they get older. And then.. the one of Jack in his gown made me laugh out loud. He has got to be the happiest baby I've ever known.
    I'm so glad things went so smoothly - and I KNOW from experience - it will provide GREAT relief!
